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z048 (07月12日) 口(mouth), 舌(tongue), 息(breath) の慣用句(4) 口は飲食したり言葉を発したりする器官であるとともに, 顔の表情を作る器官でもあります。 make mouths 「しかめつらをする」 直訳: 口を作る 例文: He made mouths when he heard the costs were estimated at 500,000 yen. 費用の見積もりが50万円であることを聞いたとき彼はしかめ面をした。 一言で言えば frown 。 他に make faces 「顔を作る」があり, こちらの方がより一般的な慣用句です。 また pull a face(faces) 「顔をひっぱる」という言い方もありこれはオランダ語と同じ発想です。 他の言語でも「しかめ面をする」は「顔」を使う方が多いようです。 イタリア語 fare delle faccie 「顔を作る」 fare la bocca storta 「ゆがんだ口を作る」 ドイツ語 den Mund verziehen 「口をゆがめる」 das Gesicht verziehen 「顔をゆがめる」 オランダ語 gezichten trekken 「顔をひっぱる」 デンマーク語 skære ansigt 「顔を彫る」 ![]() be down in (at) the mouth 「しょげる」 直訳: 口において下になる 例文: He looked down in the mouth about the result of the examination. テスト結果のことで彼はしょげているようだった。 口角を下げて(口をヘの字の形にして)いる様子を表します。 口角を上げればにっこりした顔になるので down を up にして「喜ぶ」という意味の慣用句があるかというと, これはありません。 どうやら mouth を使うのはマイナス・イメージの表情だけのようです。 ![]() laugh on the other side of one's mouth 「笑った後しょげる, 後で泣きを見る」 直訳: 口のもう片側で笑う この慣用句を検索するとそのヒット数はわずか114。 しかもそのほとんどは著作権の切れた古典文学の中の一文です。 現代の表現ではmouth ではなく face にした laugh on the other side of one's face の方が一般的なようでヒット数は(決して多くはないのですが) 533で, 用例も同時代の人間が書いた文と思われるものばかりです。 そこで例文は face の方で表すことにします。 例文:After he made money at the races, he had his pocket picked in the train. He laughted on the other side of his face. 競馬で儲けた後, 電車でサイフをすられた。 彼は笑った後しょげた。 以下は検索で見つかった laugh on the other side of one's mouth を使う文学作品からの引用です。 今回は訳は省略します。 Thou laughest there: by-and-by thou wilt laugh on the wrong side of thy face.”- (Carlyle: The Diamond Necklace/1837) "Fool--I'll make you laugh on the other side of your mouth!" the Master of Tralee said to himself. (G.Parker : Wild Youth/1915) But Alfred lashed him with the bitterest satire, and, as they say, sometimes “made him laugh on the other side of his mouth,” (WHG Kingston : Captain Mugford) “They laugh best who laugh last,” growled Bart. “They'll laugh on the other side of their mouth when we lay hands on them.” (Homer Randall : Army Boys on German Soil) and Mr. Robert was roughly told to shut up, and that he'd soon laugh on the other side of his mouth (Harold MacGrath : The Man On The Box) "'Ho, ho! you say,' mimicked Northwind, very angry, 'soon you will laugh on the other side of your mouth. I will blow you out and people can't see your fine suit of gold armour any more.' (Robert Gordon : Seven O'clock Stories) I asked nothing better, and began to laugh. At this my foe, who was bigger and older than I, cried out that I would laugh on the other side of my mouth--a queer boy phrase of which I could never discover the meaning. (Hugh Wynne : Free Quaker ) But the farmer-lad did not let go. He kept his hold of the rope, and kept up the smiles, -- the waving-grain and blooming-daisy smiles. "Oh! I'll make you laugh on the other side of your mouth if you don't let go of that rope!" shouted young Coville (James Montgomery Bailey: They All Do It; or, Mr. Miggs of Danbury and his Neighbors Being a Faithful Record of What Befell the Miggses on Several Important Occasions /1877) "Laugh," he said. "Laugh while you can. Maybe you'll laugh on the other side of your mouth when we get Starrett up and he tells us what he knows." (A.E. Merritt : The Face in the Abyss) I had been to Indianapolis before, but under different auspices. ‘Twas the day after the battle of "Bull Run;" then I could laugh on the other side of my mouth. (W.A.Wash : Camp, Field And Prison Life /1870) Chief Inspector Combridge did not look pleased. He said something about living to see him laugh on the other side of his mouth, to which expression Mr. Jellipot gave a moment of puzzled thought, and passed it by for more exigent considerations. (Sydney Fowley : The Rissole Mystery /1941) |