
14 They called off [=(2) canceled] the garden party because of the rain.
(1) abolished  (2) canceled  (3) delayed   (4) postponed

訳: 彼らは雨のために園遊会を中止した。

cancel = call off 「中止する」  abolish = do away with 〜「廃止する」 postpone, delay = put off 「延期する」   


account for = explain (説明する)
break about = cause (引き起こす)
break out = happen (勃発する)
bring up = raise (育てる)
call for = require (要求する)
call off = cancel (中止する)
call on/at = visit (訪問する)
carry on = continue (続ける)
carry out = accomplish (実行する)
catch up with = overtake (追いつく)
come across = encounter (偶然出会う)
come about = happen (起こる)
come up = appear (現れる)
cut down = reduce (削減する)
cut in = interrupt (割り込む)
do away with = abolish (廃止する)
do without = dispense with (〜なしで済ます)
find fault with = criticize (あら捜しをする)
get over = recover (回復する)
get rid of = remove (取り除く)
give in = yield (屈する)
give off = emit (発する)
give up = abandon (あきらめる)
go through = experience (経験する)
hand in = submit (提出する)
learn by heart = memorize (暗記する)
leave out = omit (省略する)
look back on= remember (回顧する)
look down on = despise (見下す)
look into = investivate (調査する)
look up to =respect (尊敬する)
make out = understand(理解する)
make believe = prentend(ふりをする)
make fun of = ridicule (からかう)
make up for = compensate for (埋め合わせをする)
make up one's mind = decide (決心する)
put off = postpone (延期する)
put out = extinguish (火を消す)
put up with = endure (我慢する)
run into = encounter (偶然出会う)
set aside = reserve (取っておく)
set out = start (出発する)
show off = display (見せびらかす)
show up = appear (現れる)
stand for = represent (表す)
take after = resemble (似ている)
take part in = participate in (〜に参加する)
take place = happen (起こる)
take the place of  = replace (〜の代わりになる) 
turn down = reject (断る)
turn out = prove (〜であることがわかる)
turn up  = appear (現れる)
